How to Stay Connected with Sisters During Quarantine

While you may not have expected to spend your spring break on the couch watching Netflix, instead of being poolside in Palm Springs with your college besties, here are some ways you can maintain your “social” life. While “social distancing” is necessary, human interaction is still vital for our wellbeing. We thought of some ways you can stay connected with your chapter and maintain sisterhood during quarantine…. virtual sisterhoods! Encourage your sisterhood chair to plan some sisterhoods over Zoom, everyone will be able to attend no matter where they are! Here is a list of group activities that can take place virtually
Virtual Cooking Club
The organizer of the sisterhood should share a recipe with the chapter in advance so everyone can prepare the ingredients necessary. One person can lead the way prompting everyone to do each step together. It will be a fun journey along the way to laugh and hang out while cooking. Once the food is ready to come out of the oven, everyone can do a taste test and chat over how yummy it ended up or laugh over how theirs turned out to be a total flop. Doing an activity together while still apart can help everyone feel connected.
Virtual Self Care & Spa
Everyone grab your face masks, it’s a spa night! This one is so simple to plan and will help to encourage sisters to still maintain their self-care.
Virtual Workout Class
If any sisters are yoga instructors or trainers, ask them to lead a Zoom workout session for your sisters! It is so important to stay active when trapped at home.
Virtual DIY/Crafting Party
Everyone pull out your “sorority craft bin” for this one! Your sisters can plan a virtual craft night and chat while painting a canvas for your future littles!
Virtual “Netflix Club”
Instead of a book club, a fun twist on things could be a “Netflix club.” The sisterhood chair for your chapter should pick any show on Netflix and create a watch schedule. For example, “watch the first 3 episodes of Season 1 of Gossip Girl and be ready to discuss them on Sunday evening.” It could be fun to prepare fun discussion questions such as “are you team Serena or Blair” and “Who do you think is behind Gossip Girl.”
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